Monday, 25 March 2013


Finally got myself a placement!  
I have been offered a placement at deepblue sports in whitley bay, here they design for Badboy UK, a huge name within the sport of MMA. I have accepted the offer and am excited to start, I think I will learn a lot about what it takes and what is involved with working within industry.

Friday, 22 March 2013

I have previously wrote CV’s but this is the first time I have had to design a creative CV. At first I wasn’t entirely sure what should be included on this document and how it should be laid out. To help me with this I asked for the assistance of tutors, as well as researching what makes a good creative CV. I found a lot of information and learnt that it is best to include, any design background, the skills I have within this area. Some of the cvs I came across were heavily design based and had a lot going on within the document, which I felt looked to much. I know how important it is to show what kind of designer you are through your CV so this wouldn’t be a suitable route for me to take with this. I will upload a copy of my cv once it is complete..

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

I received an email today asking me to attend an interview for Sunderland uni! I need to start putting a portfolio together and thinking about what I may be asked during the interview.

Friday, 15 March 2013

This is my final CV, I need to add a page which includes a selection of my work so potential employers/placements can see a selection of the designs I have done.